DATE: March 18th, 2025
START TIME: Meeting 8:00 AM
LOCATION: Town Hall (Council Chambers)
9312 Smith St, Yorktown, IN 47396
7:45-8:00: Doors open/Coffee served
8:00 am Call to order/Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction and Monthly Question: Marissa Earls – What is your favorite social media platform for business or personal?
Attendance: 51 members in attendance
Breakfast Bonus: Breakfast Sponsor-Michael Cotton: 4Day Ray – What does 4Day Ray mean/stand for? Railroad worker that called off one day a week on a Monday or Friday. 4Day Ray likes to give back to non-profits in the community. They have Tap for a cause Tuesday where they donate to a non-profit in the community.
Presentation of last month’s Minutes: Erin Ailstock – approved as submitted
Treasurer Report: Tony Coston/Kim Evans – There is $62,000 in the bank ($16,000 is sponsorship revenue for the concerts on the green).
School Report: Dr. Greg Hinshaw – Sport Performance Center is to be completed October 2025; the work has begun on this project. The Science rooms are completed, and they will be moving into those rooms within the next couple of weeks. Front office is getting light renovations done to it and will be completed October 2025. The football/soccer field will be getting turf, and new bleachers that are ADA compliant, the concessions stands will undergo renovations, and will be getting a new scoreboard ($800,000 for these projects came from private funding). They are in the process to work on funding for a new rook at Yorktown High School.
Town Report: Chase Bruton/Erin Hurley – Maura Hoff (Yorktown Town Attorney) There have been concerns from Yorktown residence regarding the wheel tax and being charged double due to living in Delaware County and then being charged for wheel tax in Yorktown as residence. They will only be charged once and the money will go to the towns that the resident lives in. There is an issue with drainage on Jackson and the town is aware of it and are working on it.
Program: Juli Metzger – Topic: Tools to be better in business (Includes Q&A)
Juli grew up in Muncie, graduated from Southside High School and attended college at Ball State University. She was a newspaper reporter, worked at 9 different newspapers in 5 different states. During her time at the Muncie newspaper, she stated a publication for Yorktown called the Yorktown Times. Juli started Jmetzger Group in 2011. The services that they offer their clients are editorial strategies, web strategies, and custom publishing. Juli stated that business leaders are being watched to lead the way. Who is watching you? Communication matters so you need to talk to people and make an impression. LinkedIn is an incredible tool for business. If you pay for a service, you need to use it! If you aren’t using it, it is a waste to your business. Facebook is #1 for social media users. Embrace change-technology is going to change so we need to learn how to use it and change with it. Adaptability is going to happen, so we need to find a way to adjust with it. Chatgpt (AI) is a tool to use and not be scared of.
President Report: Kat Blankenbaker
• Civic Green – Kat stated that there are still sponsorship opportunities available for the $150-$500 levels.
• YHS Logo Contest – didn’t get to discuss due to time
• Strategic Plan – didn’t get to discuss due to time
Shafer Leadership News: Ted Ward – All Yorktown Chamber members receive the benefits of participating in programs that Shafer Leadership offer. Please check out the website to see what programs they have that you can take advantage of.
Ambassador news: Lena Reid – We have a few openings for after hours and members lunches for member businesses to sign up for. Lena passed a flyer around for the 2nd Annual Picnic for members to sign up to be a vendor. Members have a chance to receive a discount if they commit before April 1st. The cost goes up as of April 1st and will be open to the public at that time.
Membership Report: Marissa Earls – We currently have 124 active members. We had 1 new member in February. Marissa reminded everyone that every member receives 1 free email blast a year to use. Contact Marissa if this is a benefit that you would like to take advantage of.
2-minute Tip of the day: Mark Goodpaster – Advantages of using toothpaste other than brushing your teeth.
Member Announcements:
Isaiah House 117 – They have started construction. They are hosting a golf tournament on April 26th and are looking for teams and sponsors for this event. There will be a vendor fair on April 5th at the Patterson Building.
Sam – Nancy Perry with the Farmers Market is looking for funding for their Double SNAP program.
Jennifer – Ateam Party Parlour is now offering balloon bouquets and arches for your events.
Carol – The scholarship committee met and worked on the criteria. They are ready to move forward with presenting the application. Kat told Carol that they will be on the April agenda so we can move forward with this.
Adjournment: Promptly at 9:00 am
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 15th at Yorktown Town Hall, 9312 Smith St, Yorktown. Todd McLaughlin will be our speaker discussing Medicare 101