chris day finishChris Day, financial advisor for Edwards Jones for more than 14 years, is an Ironman Triathlon and ran the 26.2-mile Boston Marathon on April 20.

He is one of those early morning ones at the Yorktown YMCA and out running on the street before most are up. Lately Chris has been running 35 miles weekly (often on a treadmill until the streets and paths were cleared).

He has been an inspiration to many in the community. When he started this running thing in 2007, be weighed 310 pounds but not anymore, as Chris tells you in his blog Because of his influence, he has been sponsored by Team Chocolate Milk and is the 2015 Ambassador for Headsweats and X-1 Audio.

He has participated in dozens of races of all sorts of distances and locations highlighted by Ironman Louisville in 2013. A full Ironman includes 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of bicycling and 26.2 miles of long distance running, and must be completed in under 17 hours.

It is not surprising that his personal philosophy is “run faster, finish sooner.”

Chris offers local, one-on-one, face-to-face service to educate individuals about investments and savings. He stresses that it does not take much money for an individual to get started. Previously Chris was a high school band director and often still helps the high school get ready for state fair presentation.

No wonder Chris loves music and sports of all types. He is the father of 3 budding athletes (Morgan, 12; Emma, 10, and Carter, 7), spouse of YMCA instructor Molly, and owner of two dogs (Winston, Boston terrier, and Max, shepherd/lab mix.

A past president of the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce, Chris is involved with WIPB’s Telesale, High Street United Methodist Church Foundation, and co-founder for the Four for the Fourth race to raise funds for local trails.

Edward Jones
7701 W. Kilgore Ave. Ste. 7, Yorktown
8-4:30 M-F