On behalf of the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce, I’d like to welcome you to our town. We hope this website will assist you in discovering all that Yorktown has to offer, and more. The Yorktown Chamber provides member businesses and individuals opportunities to network with other professionals in the community and surrounding area. Being a member also allows you to keep informed of local developments in Yorktown. The Chamber takes an active part in the beautification and development of downtown Yorktown. We have sponsored several projects in recent years including the Yorktown Memorial Plaza and the Memorial Brick Plaza, the Annual Christmas Luminary Festival, as well as an annual community directory.
The Yorktown Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes the unity of businesses and organizations with residents by providing resources, networking and promoting opportunities to encourage business patronage, thereby fostering a cohesive community thus enhancing our quality of life.
Chamber Officers
Kat Blankenbaker
Mark Goodpaster
Vice President
Erin Ailstock
Tony Coston
Ed Armantrout
Keith Gary
Past President
Luminary Committee
Barb Baker – Chair
Leslie Baim
Becky Monroe
Vickie Craig
Diana Thornburg
Vicki Hornbaker
Eboard and Committee Chairs pictured from left to right:
Katadyn Connerley – Social Media Chair, Dr. Brianne Kelley, Mark Goodpaster – Vice President, Kat Blankenbaker – President, Erin Ailstock – Secretary, Keith Gary – Past President, Brendon Comp – Lunch N Learn Chair, Tyler Ewing – Awards Lunch Chair
Community Relations Committee
Social Media/Website
Katadyn Connerley
Awards Committee
Tyler Ewing
Membership Committee
Marissa Earls
Chamber Ambassadors
Yorktown Chamber of Commerce ambassadors is a group within the Chamber designated to welcome new members, attend ribbon cuttings, and to assist with community events on behalf of the Yorktown Chamber. The Yorktown Chamber of Commerce serves business organizations in Yorktown and surrounding area.
Katadyn Connerley
Marissa Earls
David Whitehair
Marta Guinn

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