Yorktown Indiana Chamber of Commerce

Monthly Chamber Meeting

December 16, 2014, 8:00 a.m.,

Mellott Family Center

INTRODUCTIONS and WELCOME:   Those attending:  Chris Day, Barb Baker, Al Baker, Ed Armantrout, Steve Perry, Sarah McCord, Keith Gary, Sharon Grubbs, Pete Olson, Bonita Ramirez, Gene Gragg, Brendon Comp, Marcy Minton, Matt Howell, Leslie Baim, Maureen Walby, Kelly Shrock, Pat Smith, Cindy Osgood, Mary Ann Stroeh, Roger Walby, Kayla Hall,

SECRETARY REPORT:  Minutes approved as presented.

TREASURER REPORT:  Financial reports approved as presented.

LUMINARY FESTIVAL RECAP – Barb Baker reporting the event as an overwhelming success.  Every aspect was well received.  Great weather, large crowds, pleased vendors, and beautiful lighted displays highlighted this year’s festival.

TOWN REPORT –  January meeting will be changed due to MLK day, stay tuned to website for more info; April 3 will be last day for town court; Surveys will be coming to residents in 2015.

2015 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR VOTING – Winner – Mary Ann Stroeh for Reach Ministry, 3-way tie for 2nd – Barb Baker for Luminary, Four for the Fourth Committee, Hideout for hosting community dinner, 3rd – Al Holdren for Secret Families

2015 CHAMBER BOARD ELECTIONS – President, Steve Perry; Vice President, Keith Gary; Treasurer, Ed Armantrout; Secretary, Maureen Walby

MISCELLANEOUS NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTS –  Four for the Fourth received $2000 from Friends of the Muncie Endurathon – registration is open fourforthefourth.weebly.com; new trails were installed along River Rd last week; Kiwanis will again be doing taxes on Feb 5, 19, Mar 5 at the Yorktown library; Jan 17 Kiwanis will host a blood drive at Old National Bank; Starr Manning is retiring and the open house is Friday from 11-3 at downtown Mutual Bank; YWCA is accepting donations, especially clothes for smaller children;