DATE: January 21, 2025
START TIME: Meeting 8:00 A.M.
LOCATION: Town Hall {Council Chambers}
9312 Smith St, Yorktown, IN 47396
7:45 a.m.-8:00 a.m.: Doors open/Coffee served
8:00 a.m.: Call to order/Pledge of Allegiance
Members: Marissa Earls, Question of the Month- What is one of your New Year’s resolutions? There were 29 people in attendance.
Membership Report:
Marissa-We have 159 member accounts, and 3 new members.
Breakfast Bonus:
Breakfast Sponsor (3 minutes)-Sign-up sheet for the year to be a Breakfast Bonus sponsor is going around.
Presentation of last month’s Minutes:
Erin Ailstock-approved as submitted
Treasurer Report:
Financials-there is $55,576.42 in the bank. Kim Evans with Northwest Bank is going to be a Co-Treasurer with Tony Coston.
Reed Levitz-Presented the audit report, they went back 3 years and audited the bank statements. Most months were good, but Reed has a few recommendations. Those recommendations were to write what the check is for in the memo line, who has access to the debit card, create a reimbursement policy, make sure there are always 2 signatures on the checks written, don’t write checks to beneficiary. Reed and the chamber executive team would like to do an audit on an annual basis.
School Report:
Dr. Greg Hinshaw-Construction is going well and is on schedule. They will start the construction on the science department next month. The construction will begin on the sports performance area in a couple of weeks, and in March, the front office will be started. It should be completed in September 2025. 8th graders and younger will have new requirements to graduate. This is a long session at the state house and a budget year. 2/3 of the schools funding comes from the state, and 1/3 comes from property taxes. A reduction is anticipated. Dr. Greg Hinshaw is officially the longest standing Superintendent that has been at Yorktown Community Schools.
Town Report:
Chase Bruton/Erin Hurley-The fire department are getting 2 new fire trucks that were ordered 3 years ago. Chase is working on the funding for the new trucks along with town board members. The town will be working on the trail system this summer that will include Tiger Drive and by the Player’s Club. Community Day will be on Saturday, April 5th. They are currently working on summer programs that will include Wednesday night movies on the green, Science Central on Thursday mornings for younger kids, Arsenal Fitness on the Civic Green, and a Go-Cart event that will take place 2 days in August. All events will be on the town calendar.
Mindset Matters presented by Ted Ward (includes Q&A)-Ted discussed 2 different mindsets with the first one being Fixed Mindset (static) and the second one being a Growth Mindset. An example of a Fixed Mindset is I can’t do that, and an example of a Growth Mindset is I can improve. The more we set our minds to something, the more we can achieve it. He did a brief exercise with the audience. Impossible becomes I’m possible! Remember mindset will shift outcome.
Chamber Reports:
Ambassador news: Kat. Filling spots! We currently need to fill the Ambassador and Ambassador + spots. You can sign up on Sign Up Genius if you are interested. Ambassadors are expected to make 2 calls a month and Ambassadors + are expected to help with events throughout the year. Kat sent a list around to sign up for these spots.
Carol with the Community Foundation will be chairing the Scholarship Committee, we still need 1 more person to fill this committee.
Alexis Dishman will be handling all of the Chambers social media, the cost for her to do this is $5,000 a year.
Thursday, February 13th there will be a Membership lunch at the Frozen Boulder. You must register to attend this event due to space being limited. The lunch starts at 11:30 and it is free to attend.
VOTES Required:
Motion to earmark $10,000 for scholarship fund (covers 5 years): Motion by Scott Jordan to approve earmarking $10,000 for the scholarship fund, seconded by Sarah McCord. The motion passed with all votes in favor.
Community Foundation $1000.00 sponsorship: board voted and all were in favor.
Shafer Leadership invoice $3,000.00 annual: board voted and all were in favor.
Lunch and Learns:
Brendon Comp- TBD
Civic Green Report:
Kat Blankenbaker: Concert dates announced
Member Announcements:
Tip of the day:
Mark Goodpaster: 11 most read cold weather safety tips
Adjournment: Promptly at 9:00am
Next Meeting: February 18th- Chase Bruton presents “Our Town”